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Monday, August 3, 2009
Tire Tread Wear
Excessive or uneven tread wear results from underinflation, rapid stops, fast acceleration, misalignment, and unbalanced conditions. Road surface condition also affects tire life. Gravel roads and rough-finished concrete will wear tires quickly. Smooth concrete and asphalt surfaces aid in promoting maximum tire life. Normal wear causes the tire tread to be reduced evenly and smoothly; but there are several types of abnormal tire wear that should be avoided or corrected. Abnormal wear includes: (1) spotty wear; (2) overinflation wear; (3) underinflation wear; (4) toe-in wear; (5) toe-out wear; (6) camber wear; and (7) cornering wear. When considering any tire tread wear condition and what caused it, remember excessive or uneven wear usually results from a combination of conditions. Tires wear at a different rate on all four wheels due to driving conditions, weight of the vehicle, power on the driving wheels, crown of the road, alignment of wheels, overloading the vehicle, tire inflation, and probably most important of all, driving habits of the person behind the steering wheel. Fast starts, quick stops, high speeds, and fast turns all take their toll on tire life. Safe and conservative driving habits will promote maximum tire life and economy.